Dressing in head-to-toe-white is one of the hottest style trends this summer. Wearing all white can look light and breez…
Gone fishing? Quirky nautical tableware adds pizzazz to summer meals
Summer entertaining is at its best when it is casual, lighthearted, and filled with laughter. A little too much wine can…
3 surprisingly tasty bean salads you’ll love (and make year ’round)
Baked beans have been a staple of picnics and barbecues throughout the U.S. and on breakfast plates in the UK for years.…
The Pimm’s Cup: a refreshing drink to welcome summer, and croquet
The reward for an American who was subjected to several hours of cricket at the Hampstead Cricket Club in London some ye…
Starry nights, wild horses. America’s national parks are good for heart and soul.
The United States offers vast extremes in terrain, from desert to rocky mountains to badlands to wind swept plains where…
What we’re reading this summer: books about books, relationships, memories
After a long winter reading history, travel, and decluttering books, we’re looking forward to changing direction d…
The right sunscreen can save your life. Here’s why…
Choosing the right sunscreen and knowing how to use it could literally save your life. If you are like most women …
11 genius finds to keep your feet soft and supple between pedicures
Who doesn’t love a pedicure? Studies show that 41% of women get pedicures and more than 30% of them are aged…
22 eye-catching summer straw bags for confident women over 60
Straw bags make the summer–especially if they have a bit of flair. For women over 60, a chic straw bag can turn an…